Le meeting d’hiver d’EuroNet MRPH 2017 aura lieu à Lisbone du 30 novembre au 3 décembre :
In the last couple of years there has been a growing focus on scientific sessions during EuroNet’s meetings. In line with that trend, the Portuguese team proposed to host the next EuroNet winter meeting as a Scientific Congress. Today we can share with you that that ambition is taking form. We are preparing an event that will gather public health professionals with different expertise that will share with us their experiences, views and challenges in 3 main sessions and in a set of several workshops. For now we would like to let you know that our sessions will focus on 3 main topics: data and knowledge, Public Health Training and smart cities.
The workshop opportunities will range from the major key players in global health to high impact communication and the inside of an epidemiologist’ mind, among many others. And we will have the usual EuroNet General Assembly and Working Groups. More to be shared very soon.
And, of course, in one of the trendiest cities in Europe right now, you will also be very well served with the social program we are preparing for you. There is one catch… Spots are limited and registration will open November 1st.
Meanwhile, #FollowTheYPHE in the social media!
Pré-programme et bientôt plus d’infos sur le site d’EuroNet MRPH